Met up with the Biscuitman at Pechey Rd for some more hills. We ran down in to the valley then up Anaconda, across the creek, up the City Views and and down the valley again. Next up was the Devils Highway followed by the nasty steep TES (Thorne Extra Special). By this time tiredness was setting in but we were heading for home. Ran down the City Views Hill, up Heart Attack Hill, back up Costa and then back on the bitumen for the last 1k uphill to the carpark.
Despite a few showers the day was great for running and as always its just plain enjoyable to be in the hills. Despite doing hill repeats the day before and having rather sore gluts I ran ok today. Was great to have some company today. BM was strong on the hills despite not doing to much hill work recently.
Net week retutning to the hills but may run a little more to the east on some slightly less steep hills. All up 23.5km @ 5.29min/k
Thanks for a great run (although my legs aren't saying thanks at the moment). What a top place to run.