Week of 13 July: The next two week are a little lighter trying to freshen up for the Run for Gold 5k. Hoping the next weeks I may show some speed endurance but as J commented this is generally the last thing that comes on. Still emjoying my running and knwo that decent run won't be too far away, I reckon another 6 weeks.
Monday -rest
Tuesday: 15min w/up & dn with 6 x600 on 3:00 + 6x200 on 1:15.
Headed down with old man Sugar to the track on a wonderful night for running and far better night than the week before. After good warm-up (which went by quick after lots of running jibber-jabber with Mr S) we hit the track. Worked my way into the session with Mr S showing his strength in the 600's. After 2 minutes break we got stuck into the 200's and I really felt my legs moving quite quicly with the last repeat done in 31sec. Look out Usain!
Happy with session and I will look forward to see if I have any speed on my 30min tempo on Thursday.
Wednesday: easy 10-12k
Easy and slow 10k around Kings Park. Pretty tired and flat after last nights effort. My old coach Pat Carroll used to say that if you run well after an interval then you didnt run hard enough during the interval session. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Thursday: 30min tempo @3.55min/k (15min w/up and dn);
Had a good run last night is rather windy conditions. Gave an even effort but the wind was strong so the pace varied dependant on the course of the road.
Very happy with pace and felt better as run went on. I reckon I would have had 10 more minutes in me if I had to run any further.
All in all been a good week running wise and something to build on moving forward.
Friday: easy 20min jog
Relaxing 20min around Kings Park. Legs a little heavy after the first massage i have had in a long time.
Saturday: 1hr 40min lonng run
Caught up with Sugar for my first hills run in along time. Great to see some of the old gang from when I was a hill's disciple. A lovely morning although suprising chilly. Good to run with Sugar who always has some interesting knowledge and its good to throw some ideas around on the road. Sugar was like a mountain goat up the hills but I maanged to keepup with some faster downhill running. The massage yesterday and lack of real leg strength definitley made for some slogging up the hills. Ran sgtrongly down the hill to Darlington. 21.3kms @ 4.35min/k; Ave HR 150