Saturday, January 3, 2009

Long run 2.15hrs

Headed out with Sugar and Sassy from Darlington through John Forrest National Park and return on a course that was mainly trails with quite a few hills. Sugar was like a mountain goat on the trails, with Sassy and I having to eat his dust. Needless to say, I think his semi-comatose state at the Darlington coffee shop reflected his vigour. All in all, a good solid run of 26km @ 5.25min/k. Ave Hr 141bpm


  1. saw you heading off sounds like a good run...saw Sugar after too at the shop.

  2. The semi comatose state was down to a lack of my usual post run caffeine ( I just can't drink the stuff they serve there ), which I will admit was even more necessary after that quad busting f****r of a run. Enjoyed it very much, though :-))
