Pretty nice weather for running although a little wram and humid. Ran 18.06 which is about the same as the last 3 5k runs. Lacked poer on/off the Windan bridge which cost me and although tthe effort was good I struggled between 2.5-3.5kms, something to keep in mind fo rthe next 5k race.
Well thats the end for the road races (and that Crappy Windan bridge) for the rest of the year as I settle into being a lap-monkey. Another 5k planned for next week so it be interesting to see how I go.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Long Run
Quite a still and warm morning for running. Headed out early from home via south perth, uwa, mosman park and then cut across to the coast ending up at Cottlesloe. Total of about 30km at around 4.30min/k pace. Rather knackered at the end due to the run and the hill repeats from Saturday morning. Caught up the Original Simon and J at John Street Cafe for a good brekkie which I actually think may be the best brekkie in Perth.
Another solid week under the belt. A hard session on Tuesday down the track then a more relaxed week ahead of the Peninsula run. Congrats to Sugar who got reward for all his hard training on Friday.
Another solid week under the belt. A hard session on Tuesday down the track then a more relaxed week ahead of the Peninsula run. Congrats to Sugar who got reward for all his hard training on Friday.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Barmy night classic 5k
Tough old eveinign for runnign with overcast, hot and dry conditions making running a challenge. Headed out at a steady pace but after 1k I got blocked in a skins-wearing f$#$wit so had to push my way through and after hearing a few choice words from behind I decided a few quick steps were required to open a gap. Happy to get to the drink station at about 3k as my mouth was so dry. Finished relatively strongly but did not have allot of desire to bury myself and kept a steady effor tot the line and finished in a nick over 18min. My skins -wearing friend finished some 5min latter...fool.
Ran back to the start with Sugar (good luck this Friday) and Sass (a great 2nd!) for a good nights training effort.
Ran back to the start with Sugar (good luck this Friday) and Sass (a great 2nd!) for a good nights training effort.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
6x1km - good VO2 max session
Got up early and headed out to beat the heat in Paraburdoo. Ran 6x1km with 60-90sec recovery un an undulating course. Real tough session adn something I have not done allot of. The last 90 seconds of each interval was deep into the red zone and I know this is where all the benefit is. Was damn happy to finish. Hopefully the benefits of this training will coem out ina few weeks.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
15x400m on 2min - I am munted
Last night it felt like sour dough and treacle. My legs felt pretty good actually but my energy levels were low. I averaged just less than 1.20 but the pace was a little sporadic with some at 1.16 and some at 1.24. In terms of hardness it was a Borg 18. Afterwards I was dead to the word and had to put my feet up and lie down to get some blood back to my brain again. Needless to say it was an early night.
The reason. I think that the last two nights I have some poor sleep (again last night) due to midnight drop-offs at the airport and the fact that half of the nocturnal bird species seem to have taken residence next to my bedroom window. This morning’s recovery run was quite slow but with a good sleep tonight I reckon I will be up for a good session tomorrow.
The reason. I think that the last two nights I have some poor sleep (again last night) due to midnight drop-offs at the airport and the fact that half of the nocturnal bird species seem to have taken residence next to my bedroom window. This morning’s recovery run was quite slow but with a good sleep tonight I reckon I will be up for a good session tomorrow.
Monday, October 26, 2009
The end of a solid week
Been a good solid week with around 90k clocked up. At Rotto last Sunday I ran 18.16 which was good enough for second. Actually felt good for the race but the hill in the middle of the course really killed me. Thursday saw me down at Coker Park for the 3k. Clocked 10.17 which is 20seconds than last tiem a few months ago so heading in the right direction. Sunday was a 2hr long run in hot windy conditions. Completed 26k @ 4.28min/k.
Have today off but with a bike ride added instead. From now on Monday and Fridays are going to have 1-1,5hr rides added to them for recovery in the mornings and then a run in the evening. Got a few hard weeks ahead whcih should toughen me up for the Peninsula 5k.
Have today off but with a bike ride added instead. From now on Monday and Fridays are going to have 1-1,5hr rides added to them for recovery in the mornings and then a run in the evening. Got a few hard weeks ahead whcih should toughen me up for the Peninsula 5k.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
New training partner..dingo Dan
Legs were a little sluggish earlier in the week but as the week as dragged on the legs have worked there way back, and this morning had a little more zing.
Been in Tom Price this week. I had 15x30sec hard/easy this morning and after the first few heard the pitter-patter of paws on the road behind me. Old Dingo Dan was trailing 10m behind me with a look of 'What is that crazy dude doing?' on his face. After a few more intervals Dingo Dan lacked the focus to follow through on the session and wandered off into the bush.
To all those running Rottnest on the weekend, stay strong. I am over for the for the 5k. I hope to see Pb's in your eyes after the race.
Been in Tom Price this week. I had 15x30sec hard/easy this morning and after the first few heard the pitter-patter of paws on the road behind me. Old Dingo Dan was trailing 10m behind me with a look of 'What is that crazy dude doing?' on his face. After a few more intervals Dingo Dan lacked the focus to follow through on the session and wandered off into the bush.
To all those running Rottnest on the weekend, stay strong. I am over for the for the 5k. I hope to see Pb's in your eyes after the race.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Long Run
Caught up with Original Simon who kindly road the bike as I did my long run. the compnay and conversation helped make the run go quickly. Total 20kms @ 4,24min/k pace. fElt quite good today despite sore hammies and bkac from gardening all Saturday. The long run rounds off a really good week of runnig, possibly my best this year. With a reduced volume of runnign this week I am looking forward to the Rotto 5k.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
VO2 session
A wicked morning for a run with cool calm conditions. Had 2x4min, 2x3min, 2x2min, 4x30sec, with 1min Jr between each interval. Ran from the Clubrooms out to Maylands for the warm-up and then headed out east for 2x4min befroe tuning and retuning to the WAMC clurooms. Very happy with the run and despuite a few bumps in the path was able to run 3.30min/k or below for all of the sessions. The last 2min interval was a realyl lung buster but a good session and the start of a round of 'speed endurance' intervals I have planned over the next month. A good confidence booster and with another tough 15x1min session for thursday, these sessions should set me up well for Rottnest in a few weeks.
A cooler morning in Tom Price lead to a good early morning session. Had 15x1min with 1min SR. Realy worked in to the session with speeds starting at 3.30min/k and gettign down towards 3.10min/k pace in the last 5. Really happy with intervals and hopefully putting in some good building sessions for next weeks race.
A cooler morning in Tom Price lead to a good early morning session. Had 15x1min with 1min SR. Realy worked in to the session with speeds starting at 3.30min/k and gettign down towards 3.10min/k pace in the last 5. Really happy with intervals and hopefully putting in some good building sessions for next weeks race.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sandgroper stew
Been in Bali sice last Friday and have managed to complete a good block of sessions: a long run, recovery run, intervals (15x400m) and some easy runs in there as well. Runnning n Bali has its challenges: fallign down monster pot-hles in the road and side-walks, being mauled by rabif packs of dogs, being run over by any number of vehicles and last by not least, the heat and humidity.
Got plenty of good sessions for the rest of the week including 6x3min and a 2.15 hr long run.... going to be a lot of sweat flowing.
Got plenty of good sessions for the rest of the week including 6x3min and a 2.15 hr long run.... going to be a lot of sweat flowing.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Altitude training or Attitude training.
Been in Tom Price fo rthe last few days at the high altitude of 750m asl. Maybe its the dryness of the air or the altitude but it always seem harder to run in TP. Had 3 sets or 3min, 2min, 1min, 30sec with 1min Jr. Good run with a few harder runs up the hills.
Been a solid week this week and it's all ahead to Rottnest 5k where I hope to see Biscuitman lay a trail of crumbs around the course
Been a solid week this week and it's all ahead to Rottnest 5k where I hope to see Biscuitman lay a trail of crumbs around the course
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A committed tool
Am I a tool... yes
Am I committed...yes
Hence I am a committed tool.
Woke up this morning tho run the Freo 5k and on checking the website I found out there was no registration on rce day. Rather pissed off I mooched around home for a few hours before decideing to do my long from the WAMC clubrooms up to Deepwater point and return. 6kms in I then decided to run a 5k of my own. Ran around 17.50 anf then the next few k's after then things got messy. A lack of food, a strengthening head wind and rain made for struggle-strret for the last 12kms.
Am I committed...yes
Hence I am a committed tool.
Woke up this morning tho run the Freo 5k and on checking the website I found out there was no registration on rce day. Rather pissed off I mooched around home for a few hours before decideing to do my long from the WAMC clubrooms up to Deepwater point and return. 6kms in I then decided to run a 5k of my own. Ran around 17.50 anf then the next few k's after then things got messy. A lack of food, a strengthening head wind and rain made for struggle-strret for the last 12kms.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Bit flat this week
Been a decent week with some solid efforts but legs have been not quite spritley as they were. My right hammie and glut are sore as well which is not so cool for school so the 5k this sunday is in doubt. Got a few easy runs today and tomorrow to test the leg, and together with lots of stretching I am hoping all will be well. I dont feel like pulling a muscle right now, that would be a serious blow to any improvement I have made.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Bacon has been served
After a week of coughing up Jabba the Hut's baby brothers I finally gave the flu the flick, suprising while camping at Israelite Bay. Had wicked time catching lots of fish and best of all, there was 4 whales 100m offshore that were swimming around and doing whaley things. Rather special.
Been running the last 6 days and have put some good sessions together. Still hopeful of running well this weekend but it will be interesting to see how much the illness took out of my fitness.
Been running the last 6 days and have put some good sessions together. Still hopeful of running well this weekend but it will be interesting to see how much the illness took out of my fitness.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Pigs have arrived!
Woke up Sunday to cheer on the runners at the CTS events but felt rather dodgey. Since then I have felt like I have got the Swine flu but have Razorback flu. Feeling really crappy and have a nasty cough. Given the last few weeks of solid running i am a little pissed off but it seems like this flu is going around and around at the moment. Hopefully I can shirk this in the next few days and only miss a week from training. This will give me two solid weeks before the Freo 5k where all being well I can run a little faster than my last few efforts.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
30 minute tempo: 8k @3.45min/k
Headed out to Maylands along the traditional tempo course. Took off alittle quick and then settled in aslower rythym as I didn't think I was going to make it back in one piece. Happily I was able to hold a decent pace and then in the last few k's pick it up. Finished with 8k @ 3.45min/k pace. Given that I was not entirely smashed a the end, I reckon this equates to a 37.15-37.30 10k pace, which is quicker than my PB of 37.40.
A real good confident booster and shows I am heading in the right direction. I think if I had another 3-4 weeks of training I would of given the CTS 12k a run. Never mind, I haver smaller fish to fry (Fremantle 5k).
A real good confident booster and shows I am heading in the right direction. I think if I had another 3-4 weeks of training I would of given the CTS 12k a run. Never mind, I haver smaller fish to fry (Fremantle 5k).
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Long run

Met up with the Biscuitman at Pechey Rd for some more hills. We ran down in to the valley then up Anaconda, across the creek, up the City Views and and down the valley again. Next up was the Devils Highway followed by the nasty steep TES (Thorne Extra Special). By this time tiredness was setting in but we were heading for home. Ran down the City Views Hill, up Heart Attack Hill, back up Costa and then back on the bitumen for the last 1k uphill to the carpark.
Despite a few showers the day was great for running and as always its just plain enjoyable to be in the hills. Despite doing hill repeats the day before and having rather sore gluts I ran ok today. Was great to have some company today. BM was strong on the hills despite not doing to much hill work recently.
Net week retutning to the hills but may run a little more to the east on some slightly less steep hills. All up 23.5km @ 5.29min/k
Sunday, August 16, 2009
State 5k: 17.57min
After a wild night of weather I was suprised and very relieved that a calm day greeted us this morning. Ran quite well and with the exception of the 2-3km split which was consisted of the turnaround and a few hills managed to hover between 3.31-3.35 min/k.
My heart rate seems to get to its max at about 500m and then stay relatively level for the race. I think the next race I might try going a little faster to try and pick up 5-10 seconds.
All in all 17.57. Quite happy with this and considering I have a had a few weeks of inconsistent training due to work committments, a 19 second improvement is not too bad.
Next race is the Freo 5k in 5 weeks time. Been back for 9 weeks now so its time to unleash a greater training intensity.
My heart rate seems to get to its max at about 500m and then stay relatively level for the race. I think the next race I might try going a little faster to try and pick up 5-10 seconds.
All in all 17.57. Quite happy with this and considering I have a had a few weeks of inconsistent training due to work committments, a 19 second improvement is not too bad.
Next race is the Freo 5k in 5 weeks time. Been back for 9 weeks now so its time to unleash a greater training intensity.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
6 x (4x200m) on 1min 15sec extra between sets
Headed down to the track but as the track was booked I had to head down the grass track at McGillvray oval. Fairly steady run, a little tough but never dug a real deep hole. Good session to get the body used to some hard work and the lungs working. Ran all at 3.20 pace.
A few intervals at 5k pace tomorrow then a few light runs before Sunday.
A few intervals at 5k pace tomorrow then a few light runs before Sunday.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sherpa Required!

After an inconsistent running week due to being away for work. Returned to the JF for an attempt on 1000m of climb in a run. Ran the same loop as last week with the City Views, Devils Highway and TES to start and then heart-attack hill added to the end of the run. Finished very sent but know that this type of work will and does make me stronger.
Hopefully my quads will recover allot better than last week which were beaten up for 3 days after.
Hopefully my quads will recover allot better than last week which were beaten up for 3 days after.
Monday, August 3, 2009
1000m Ascent..almost
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Light Intervals, and beyond
Met up with Sugar who looked fresh after his week off down south. A easier session planned to adjust the body to 5K pace but with stressing the body. 6x200, 4x400m, 6x200m on 1min and 2min. I reckon Sugar is in for a beauty on Thursday.
Felt relaxed for the session but there was a tendency for the legs to want to move a bit faster and the lungs work harder as well. I'll have to leave that for Thursday. Had a massage yesterday so the benefits of that should kick in tomorrow.
Beyond: Over the next few weeks I have another session of hill reps to work on my core strength and running form. Total k's should start o hover around 80k fo rthe next few weeks.
Felt relaxed for the session but there was a tendency for the legs to want to move a bit faster and the lungs work harder as well. I'll have to leave that for Thursday. Had a massage yesterday so the benefits of that should kick in tomorrow.
Beyond: Over the next few weeks I have another session of hill reps to work on my core strength and running form. Total k's should start o hover around 80k fo rthe next few weeks.
Monday, July 27, 2009
18.06..Good first Effort
Had a solid run this morning which I am pleased with. The official results say I ran 18.16 but my watch read 18.06 so I'll stay with that. Great morning morning and despite the shitty course (running on/off the Windan Bridge 4 times) I ran fairly solid. My last k was the fastest which gives me confidence in the State 5k in 3 weeks time to both start a little quicker and bring it home a little further out.
Biscuitman was running so fast our there there were crumbs all over the path! He's in great form (mental note..get fitter before racing that guy!)
Have another 5k latter this week on the track so hopefully sub-18 may be on the money.
Biscuitman was running so fast our there there were crumbs all over the path! He's in great form (mental note..get fitter before racing that guy!)
Have another 5k latter this week on the track so hopefully sub-18 may be on the money.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
First Test: Run for Gold (fools gold!)
This is the first 5k of my new program to runa scorching 5k by year;s end. Not expecting too much in terms of time but interested to see how the body is going, drawing a line in sand, so to speak.
Tuesday; 12x400 on 2min with JR
The days of standing recoveries are no more and no breaks between sets either, 12 of the best straight up. Tough session but held between 77-and 80 per 400 for the journey. last 3 were definitley lung busters.
Wednesday, 12k easy
With a need to get soem more hills in my running diet I headed to Darlington for some hill work. I grazed the down-hills and chewed up the uphills. Happy with run and as always runs in the hills rock. Got about 500m of ascent in on the run.
Thursday: 10k with 4x2min @ 5k pace
Felt a little stiff and sore after Tuesday effort. Ran 3.22, 3.32, , 3.32 and 3.30 for the 2min surges so defintley have the speed in the legs, it will be really a factor of endurance on the weekend, which I have hinted in previous post may be somewhat lacking... lets see!
Tuesday; 12x400 on 2min with JR
The days of standing recoveries are no more and no breaks between sets either, 12 of the best straight up. Tough session but held between 77-and 80 per 400 for the journey. last 3 were definitley lung busters.
Wednesday, 12k easy
With a need to get soem more hills in my running diet I headed to Darlington for some hill work. I grazed the down-hills and chewed up the uphills. Happy with run and as always runs in the hills rock. Got about 500m of ascent in on the run.
Thursday: 10k with 4x2min @ 5k pace
Felt a little stiff and sore after Tuesday effort. Ran 3.22, 3.32, , 3.32 and 3.30 for the 2min surges so defintley have the speed in the legs, it will be really a factor of endurance on the weekend, which I have hinted in previous post may be somewhat lacking... lets see!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
True love...(of speed)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Building a base
Week of 13 July: The next two week are a little lighter trying to freshen up for the Run for Gold 5k. Hoping the next weeks I may show some speed endurance but as J commented this is generally the last thing that comes on. Still emjoying my running and knwo that decent run won't be too far away, I reckon another 6 weeks.
Monday -rest
Tuesday: 15min w/up & dn with 6 x600 on 3:00 + 6x200 on 1:15.
Headed down with old man Sugar to the track on a wonderful night for running and far better night than the week before. After good warm-up (which went by quick after lots of running jibber-jabber with Mr S) we hit the track. Worked my way into the session with Mr S showing his strength in the 600's. After 2 minutes break we got stuck into the 200's and I really felt my legs moving quite quicly with the last repeat done in 31sec. Look out Usain!
Happy with session and I will look forward to see if I have any speed on my 30min tempo on Thursday.
Wednesday: easy 10-12k
Easy and slow 10k around Kings Park. Pretty tired and flat after last nights effort. My old coach Pat Carroll used to say that if you run well after an interval then you didnt run hard enough during the interval session. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Thursday: 30min tempo @3.55min/k (15min w/up and dn);
Had a good run last night is rather windy conditions. Gave an even effort but the wind was strong so the pace varied dependant on the course of the road.
Very happy with pace and felt better as run went on. I reckon I would have had 10 more minutes in me if I had to run any further.
All in all been a good week running wise and something to build on moving forward.
Friday: easy 20min jog
Relaxing 20min around Kings Park. Legs a little heavy after the first massage i have had in a long time.
Saturday: 1hr 40min lonng run
Caught up with Sugar for my first hills run in along time. Great to see some of the old gang from when I was a hill's disciple. A lovely morning although suprising chilly. Good to run with Sugar who always has some interesting knowledge and its good to throw some ideas around on the road. Sugar was like a mountain goat up the hills but I maanged to keepup with some faster downhill running. The massage yesterday and lack of real leg strength definitley made for some slogging up the hills. Ran sgtrongly down the hill to Darlington. 21.3kms @ 4.35min/k; Ave HR 150
Monday -rest
Tuesday: 15min w/up & dn with 6 x600 on 3:00 + 6x200 on 1:15.
Headed down with old man Sugar to the track on a wonderful night for running and far better night than the week before. After good warm-up (which went by quick after lots of running jibber-jabber with Mr S) we hit the track. Worked my way into the session with Mr S showing his strength in the 600's. After 2 minutes break we got stuck into the 200's and I really felt my legs moving quite quicly with the last repeat done in 31sec. Look out Usain!
Happy with session and I will look forward to see if I have any speed on my 30min tempo on Thursday.
Wednesday: easy 10-12k
Easy and slow 10k around Kings Park. Pretty tired and flat after last nights effort. My old coach Pat Carroll used to say that if you run well after an interval then you didnt run hard enough during the interval session. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Thursday: 30min tempo @3.55min/k (15min w/up and dn);
Had a good run last night is rather windy conditions. Gave an even effort but the wind was strong so the pace varied dependant on the course of the road.
Very happy with pace and felt better as run went on. I reckon I would have had 10 more minutes in me if I had to run any further.
All in all been a good week running wise and something to build on moving forward.
Friday: easy 20min jog
Relaxing 20min around Kings Park. Legs a little heavy after the first massage i have had in a long time.
Saturday: 1hr 40min lonng run
Caught up with Sugar for my first hills run in along time. Great to see some of the old gang from when I was a hill's disciple. A lovely morning although suprising chilly. Good to run with Sugar who always has some interesting knowledge and its good to throw some ideas around on the road. Sugar was like a mountain goat up the hills but I maanged to keepup with some faster downhill running. The massage yesterday and lack of real leg strength definitley made for some slogging up the hills. Ran sgtrongly down the hill to Darlington. 21.3kms @ 4.35min/k; Ave HR 150
Monday, June 29, 2009
The hard work begins now.
After 4 weeks of getting back on the preverbial horse its time to start stringing together some solid week sof training. Have a 3k TT this Thursday which should be interesting. I think Sugar may be there so hopefully I can stay with him for a few laps.
I have learnt over the last few weeks that to get the most out of my quality sessions I need to take my easy runs as they are meant to be.. easy. The goal is to get the 5k run for gold in good shape, see how I go and then use as a flatform for the reducing my 5k time over the rest of the year.
here's the plan for the next 2 weeks.
easy 10k: Ran in the eveining from home down to Mercy hospital and back and managed to dodge the rain. Quads quite sore from the long run yesterday but thats to be expected. got some good stretching in afterwards.
15min w/up & dn with 3 x 4x400 on 2:00 (2min extra between sets)
The weather really cleared up by the evening and apart from some little drizzle and a light wind running conditions were rather good. Had a good session with the following laps:
82, 78, 79, 77
77, 77, 78, 74
I did this session 3 weeks ago and averaged about 2 seconds per lap quicjer than then so things are on the improve.
easy 10k
Ran the 'Sugar and Sass' loop of Kings Park. A wee chill in the air meaning a cold night ahead. Legs tired in the last few k's and a few sore muscles form last nights interval session. Be interesting to see how well I recover before tomorrows night run down at Coker Park. Some good stretching of the quads when I got home is sure to help
3k race (15min w/up & dn)
Had an ordinary run today runnign around in 10.33. Really didn't get into the run and it was over before I realised. Sugar had a great run and was out of sight when I finished. Now I have some-one to chase.
easy 20min jog
Bit stiff and sore today and happy to just roll the legs over and get soem blood flowing.
45min with drills done up a gentle slope
Headed to Kings Park for some drills. Felt sluggish to start but slowly worked up to some smooth running towards the end.
Long run 1:40hr
Ran the second leg of the Perth Marathon relay and put in some good patches of sub-4min/k. Rahter tired runnign back to the start. Spent some quality time on the lounge in the afternoon.
Much needed recovery day after strainign my back putting in the veggie patch at home
3x [600, 2x400, 3x200]
Headed down to the new Athletic tracvk that has been open only for a few days. Bets the crap out of Perry lakes and the finishing straight leaves you with the wind behind you...sweet!Another good solid session. Ran without trying to bury myself in the session. Got rained on seriously again.
easy 12k
Strange old run on the old S&S Royal St Loop. Was plenty stiif and cold over the first 4-5 k's but after 7k's slowly got some good rythm in the old legs. Enjoyed this run.
Masters -1k and 4k
Ran the 1k time trial rather hard and the lungs and airways were burning afterwards. Strangely I massive rain storm started about 2 seconds before the run and finished about 3 seconds after the run. I feel like this was a sign from the gods. I then had about 10 minutes before the 4k in which I walked around and did some more stretches.
Ran the 4k in 14.40. Felt quite controlled for the run and put in a hard effort and was spent at the end. My legs felt fine but I have no pace and crikey I am unfit.
What I l learnt form the session is that I have along way to go. Damn its frustrating
easy 10k jog
Cruised around Kings Park on the trails for about 50min. Slowly moved a bit quicker towards the end.
45min with drills done up a gentle slope
After some advice from J I added a few downhill sprints into my drill program today to get some leg speed up. Felt like Fred Flinstone for a while with the legs spinning beneath me.
Long run 1:30hr
Rather slow old run around the Garrett-Rd loop from home. Really lacked energy principally due to the going to see Borat (classic) the night before and having some thai which was nothing flash. Didnt eat enough and payed for it on Sunday. Still another solid week of training under the belt and I reckon in another month or so I should be getting some Mojo back.
I have learnt over the last few weeks that to get the most out of my quality sessions I need to take my easy runs as they are meant to be.. easy. The goal is to get the 5k run for gold in good shape, see how I go and then use as a flatform for the reducing my 5k time over the rest of the year.
here's the plan for the next 2 weeks.
easy 10k: Ran in the eveining from home down to Mercy hospital and back and managed to dodge the rain. Quads quite sore from the long run yesterday but thats to be expected. got some good stretching in afterwards.
15min w/up & dn with 3 x 4x400 on 2:00 (2min extra between sets)
The weather really cleared up by the evening and apart from some little drizzle and a light wind running conditions were rather good. Had a good session with the following laps:
82, 78, 79, 77
77, 77, 78, 74
I did this session 3 weeks ago and averaged about 2 seconds per lap quicjer than then so things are on the improve.
easy 10k
Ran the 'Sugar and Sass' loop of Kings Park. A wee chill in the air meaning a cold night ahead. Legs tired in the last few k's and a few sore muscles form last nights interval session. Be interesting to see how well I recover before tomorrows night run down at Coker Park. Some good stretching of the quads when I got home is sure to help
3k race (15min w/up & dn)
Had an ordinary run today runnign around in 10.33. Really didn't get into the run and it was over before I realised. Sugar had a great run and was out of sight when I finished. Now I have some-one to chase.
easy 20min jog
Bit stiff and sore today and happy to just roll the legs over and get soem blood flowing.
45min with drills done up a gentle slope
Headed to Kings Park for some drills. Felt sluggish to start but slowly worked up to some smooth running towards the end.
Long run 1:40hr
Ran the second leg of the Perth Marathon relay and put in some good patches of sub-4min/k. Rahter tired runnign back to the start. Spent some quality time on the lounge in the afternoon.
Much needed recovery day after strainign my back putting in the veggie patch at home
3x [600, 2x400, 3x200]
Headed down to the new Athletic tracvk that has been open only for a few days. Bets the crap out of Perry lakes and the finishing straight leaves you with the wind behind you...sweet!Another good solid session. Ran without trying to bury myself in the session. Got rained on seriously again.
easy 12k
Strange old run on the old S&S Royal St Loop. Was plenty stiif and cold over the first 4-5 k's but after 7k's slowly got some good rythm in the old legs. Enjoyed this run.
Masters -1k and 4k
Ran the 1k time trial rather hard and the lungs and airways were burning afterwards. Strangely I massive rain storm started about 2 seconds before the run and finished about 3 seconds after the run. I feel like this was a sign from the gods. I then had about 10 minutes before the 4k in which I walked around and did some more stretches.
Ran the 4k in 14.40. Felt quite controlled for the run and put in a hard effort and was spent at the end. My legs felt fine but I have no pace and crikey I am unfit.
What I l learnt form the session is that I have along way to go. Damn its frustrating
easy 10k jog
Cruised around Kings Park on the trails for about 50min. Slowly moved a bit quicker towards the end.
45min with drills done up a gentle slope
After some advice from J I added a few downhill sprints into my drill program today to get some leg speed up. Felt like Fred Flinstone for a while with the legs spinning beneath me.
Long run 1:30hr
Rather slow old run around the Garrett-Rd loop from home. Really lacked energy principally due to the going to see Borat (classic) the night before and having some thai which was nothing flash. Didnt eat enough and payed for it on Sunday. Still another solid week of training under the belt and I reckon in another month or so I should be getting some Mojo back.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
12k Build run
Decided to delay the run til the evening to miss the stomrmy weather. Ran an out and back course from South Perth to the CBD and return. Started at 4.40 pace and ended at 3.42 pace which is encouraging. Total 12.0k @ 4.24min/k; Ave HR: 152bpm
Was looking back through runs I was doing 2 months ago and the depths of my sickness and my heart rate to run 4.40min/k pace was 166, compared to 130 now. Good news indeed
Was looking back through runs I was doing 2 months ago and the depths of my sickness and my heart rate to run 4.40min/k pace was 166, compared to 130 now. Good news indeed
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Easy Run
Caught up with Sugar and we ran a steady 10.4km around the river. Pleanty of running talk led to a enjoyable time. Managed to dodge the rain showers luckily. Total 10.4kms @4.42min/k; Ave Hr 142
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
3 x (4x400m on 2min) 2 min between sets
Was a brisk (4oC) this morning and rather dark when I headed down the track. Felt quite strong during the session and was able to finish a little faster. I definitely was puffing and was rather spent after the session but after the warm-down and a hot shower feel good. Ran all between 1.20 and 1.17 per lap.
A good start but a looonnngggg way to go
A good start but a looonnngggg way to go
Monday, June 8, 2009
Easy Run
Another frosty morning for the trusty 11.1km loop from original Simon's house around East Perth and return. Ran the loop @4.32min/k at Ave Hr of 149bpm. Should get a new program soon from J so watch this space.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Easy Run
Caught up with original Simon again for the same 11.1km loop I did on Friday. Was aloot stiff from yesterdays interval session but ran the 11.1km @ 4.28min/k with Ave HR: 151bpm. This is great news with the pace 4sec/km quicker and the HR down by 9bpm on Fridays run.
All up 63.35km @ 4.35min/k; Ave HR 155 for week is a great start to my return to running. J is going to put a program for me this week with the goal of trying to get me fit enought to train hard and move towards a 16.45min 5K run.
All up 63.35km @ 4.35min/k; Ave HR 155 for week is a great start to my return to running. J is going to put a program for me this week with the goal of trying to get me fit enought to train hard and move towards a 16.45min 5K run.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Intervals 1x600, 2x400, 4x200 on 3, 2, 1 min; 2 Sets
Headed down to Perry Lakes for some cleansing of the lungs with some fresh air. Was able to run two sets at the same speed as previous sessions when I was allot fitter although I was doing three sets then. I definitely could not do another set. Definitley was blowing throughout the session was held my running form which i was pleased with.
Original Simon and I headed down to Ross's Auctions are now the proud parents of two treadmills. This will definitley help with greater flexibility in our training.
Original Simon and I headed down to Ross's Auctions are now the proud parents of two treadmills. This will definitley help with greater flexibility in our training.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Easy Run
Cuaght up with Orginal Simon and Hamish for a loop of Rivervale, East Perth and return. Was great to run with others rathee than my own thoughts that have bored me over the last week or so. Run faster than I thought I could but althought I was breathing realtivly hard, my HR was a lot higher than when I was fitter but this is too be expected. 11.1km@4.32min/k; ave HR 160.
I am feeling a little bettter e very day and runnign is coming along well although the next 4-6 weeks will be allot harder.
I am feeling a little bettter e very day and runnign is coming along well although the next 4-6 weeks will be allot harder.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
12k Build Run
Dusted off the beanie this morning for a chilly morning and it looks like it may get a work out over the next few weeks. Ran from East Perth on a 12k loop out/back to Maylands. Felt a little sluggish today but realyl go the lungs working hard over the last few km's. Total 12k @ 4.29min/k.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Easy run
Back in Perth and headed out into a heavy fog form South perth into the CBD and return. Felt not too bad but calves were a little tight. Saw the Biscuiman cruisng through South Perth a few k's from home. 10.6kms @4.40min/k. Saw the doctor today and my throid levels are back to normal. Tests show I have an Iodine defiency causing low activity of my thyroid. Good news is that its easily treatable.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Preperation week; 10k
This is the start of my lead-in week to starting official training next week. Have most of the week off so should be able to compensate the extra load with some extra sleep. Ran out/back in Paraburdoo for an easy 10k @ 4.55min/k pace.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Easy 45min
Headed out for an evening run in Kings Park and was quite spritley for the first 30minutes but faded over the last 15minutes. A few encouraging signs on some of the hills when i didnt revert to my patented shuffle but was able to keep a decent stride.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
45 Minutes Easy
Felt a little tited today after FM came over last night to get some needles and robbed me of my much needed sleep. I hope he is alright as he left rather sore last night. I ran aloop from South Perth towards kings Park and return today and although tired, and not really into it, was able to move ok.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
12 x30sec; 1min SR
Felt relatively spritley this morning and the session was quite good. Legs seemed to stronger and not too much fade at the end of the session. Breathing and leg turnover still out of synch but happy with effort this morning.
Monday, May 11, 2009
40min easy
Ran a loop through South Perth and Como, stopping by the Zoo to say hello to the relatives. Averaged a little under 5min/k for the run so ever so slowly moving in the right direction. Looking forward to catching up with S and S for all the gossip this week and for some added motivation. A team that staggers together, stays together.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
40min easy
Easy 40minutes along the sandy paths around Kings Park. Calf and TFL a little sore from last nights run but once again happy just to be running. One week down, many more to come.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
40min build
Ran from south Perth into the CBD to pick up my car. Went out to fast and after 20min was running at 4.20min/k which meant tht the last 20 minutes were all run at 4.13, 4.09, 4.05, 4.03 and 3.58min/k. Turned into a mini tempo run and the lungs and legs were straining at the end.
All in all not a bad run but a reminder on how unfit I am at the moment.
All in all not a bad run but a reminder on how unfit I am at the moment.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Easy 40min
Easy 40min along the trails of Kings Park after work. Had a few minutes where running seem to click, but mostly just lots of puffing and puffing and feeling crappy. Rest tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
40min easy
Ran a loop from home out towards Kings Park and back. Another killer morning and met up with Gary and Phil in the last few kilometres that may the run quick and enjoyable. 40minutes went by quite quick, a good sign. My resting HR was 43 thi smorning another good sign.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
10x30sec with 1min recovery
Another sweet-as morning in Perth. Session was all about getting the legs moving again together with a little bit of puffing without straining the body. Running felt uncoordinated and without and rythym. Not a hard session but another baby step on the long road back. I am not putting down any data (HR, km's) in the blog at the moment as the focus is running on 'feel' rather having the pressure of looking at distances, splits, hr's etc..
Monday, May 4, 2009
30min easy
After a rest yestwerday and plenty of sleep I didnt feel so bad this morning apart from a grouchy stomach. Another claasic Autumn morning as i ran a loop through south perth and back via the zoo. Felt not so bad. Another tick in the box
Saturday, May 2, 2009
30min Easy
Ran around Kings Park for 30min on the sandy and grassy tracks. Felt quite crappy but I feel this may be a common entry over the next few weeks. Another steo in the right direction
Friday, May 1, 2009
It begins..5k under 17min
After some 8 weeks away from running several developments have transpired. My poor running form and cycles of sickness have been diagnosed as hypothyroidism. I also found by Vit B and D levels were very low.
I am not getting medication and slowly getting some strength back. Went for a half run this morning and it felt awful. Having been here before I know the next 6-8 weeks are going to be very painful and hard but I know that everyday I run will be one day closer to regaining some running form.
So where to from here...I have decided to go back to school and learn from the ground up. Goal to run 5k under 17min before I move onto anything longer. The goal is to return via 5k, 10k, 21k goals beofre running a cracking marathon. I have put no time limit on this but will not move on the next goal until the previous one is achieved.
This is going to be fun, let the running begin.
I am not getting medication and slowly getting some strength back. Went for a half run this morning and it felt awful. Having been here before I know the next 6-8 weeks are going to be very painful and hard but I know that everyday I run will be one day closer to regaining some running form.
So where to from here...I have decided to go back to school and learn from the ground up. Goal to run 5k under 17min before I move onto anything longer. The goal is to return via 5k, 10k, 21k goals beofre running a cracking marathon. I have put no time limit on this but will not move on the next goal until the previous one is achieved.
This is going to be fun, let the running begin.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Why I love running
My coach asked me to tell her the best two races I have had, how I felt, preperation etc.. Here were my thoughts.
I consider the best two races to be the Canberra 50k and the Houston marathon
Canberra 50k 2006:
I really enjoyed this race. Previously I had run two 50k races. In 2004 I ran 50k with bugger all training and ran 4.32 and staggered the last 6k as a cripple. In May 2005 I ran the same course in 3.59.58. My lead in too the Canberra race was good. I ran lots of 3hrs runs each week and 2hrs every Wednesday. In the months previous I ran a 10k PB 0f 37.58 and a half PB of 1.24.24. I injured my groin 3 weeks before the 50k but after some intensive physio it came good. Race day was great and I had a plan to try and run about 3.40-3.45. Between 20-35kms I had what I call ‘dream running’ where it running was without effort and I felt invincible and strong. If there were photos of me running I am sure I would have had a big grin on my face. I enjoyed the run immensely and I remember chatting to a beautiful young lady as I run the last k of the marathon feeling great. I ran though in 3.06 (a PB of 9 minutes) and ran well to 45km when all the things became real tough as they should. I finished very spent but very happy.
Houston Marathon 42.2k 2007:
I has a similar build-up to Houston but not lower my 10k or half marathon times but ran a good 5k (17.06) a few weeks beforehand. This was my first big city marathon with about 10,000 marathon entrants. It was a cool and humid day but the week beforehand I felt strong and fresh and ready to go. I knew I could run under 3hrs but thought maybe a 2.55 in ideal conditions. I got caught behind a few slow people at the start running the first 2k @ 4.40pace but at the 10k mark was back on pace. I ran and chatted to a local to 21kms then ran the rest by myself over the last 21kms. Between 25-34km I once again a golden patch of running and enjoyed the support and entertainment of the course. In fact picked up the pace a fair bit in is section running 4min/k but at 37kms paid for the effort (my only regret) and finished in a happy heap in 2.57.
The two races changed not only my fitness levels but my belief in what I was capable of doing. Just writing these few paragraphs has made me realise why I love running so much. I also believe I am on the right track to write a few more paragraphs of the great runs I have had.
I consider the best two races to be the Canberra 50k and the Houston marathon
Canberra 50k 2006:
I really enjoyed this race. Previously I had run two 50k races. In 2004 I ran 50k with bugger all training and ran 4.32 and staggered the last 6k as a cripple. In May 2005 I ran the same course in 3.59.58. My lead in too the Canberra race was good. I ran lots of 3hrs runs each week and 2hrs every Wednesday. In the months previous I ran a 10k PB 0f 37.58 and a half PB of 1.24.24. I injured my groin 3 weeks before the 50k but after some intensive physio it came good. Race day was great and I had a plan to try and run about 3.40-3.45. Between 20-35kms I had what I call ‘dream running’ where it running was without effort and I felt invincible and strong. If there were photos of me running I am sure I would have had a big grin on my face. I enjoyed the run immensely and I remember chatting to a beautiful young lady as I run the last k of the marathon feeling great. I ran though in 3.06 (a PB of 9 minutes) and ran well to 45km when all the things became real tough as they should. I finished very spent but very happy.
Houston Marathon 42.2k 2007:
I has a similar build-up to Houston but not lower my 10k or half marathon times but ran a good 5k (17.06) a few weeks beforehand. This was my first big city marathon with about 10,000 marathon entrants. It was a cool and humid day but the week beforehand I felt strong and fresh and ready to go. I knew I could run under 3hrs but thought maybe a 2.55 in ideal conditions. I got caught behind a few slow people at the start running the first 2k @ 4.40pace but at the 10k mark was back on pace. I ran and chatted to a local to 21kms then ran the rest by myself over the last 21kms. Between 25-34km I once again a golden patch of running and enjoyed the support and entertainment of the course. In fact picked up the pace a fair bit in is section running 4min/k but at 37kms paid for the effort (my only regret) and finished in a happy heap in 2.57.
The two races changed not only my fitness levels but my belief in what I was capable of doing. Just writing these few paragraphs has made me realise why I love running so much. I also believe I am on the right track to write a few more paragraphs of the great runs I have had.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Weston Creek Half
A great morning for running on a scenic undulating course along circlepaths. Finished 1.24.45 at dead on 4min/k pace. With the 'bug' I have been carrying all week I did not expect much more and was happy with the effort and the ability to keep going to the end.
I had decided before this race that if I wasn't in 1.20-1.21 form than Canberra would be cancelled and that has how it has worked out. The plan now is to rest, get some blood tests, and get over this bug once and for all, after carrying it for over 2 weeks.
The target mararthon is now the Gold Coast marathon which gives me more time to get strong and run well. I caught up with Jackie and this part of the weekend has a great success as we got to spend most of the weekend together and have developed a relationship that will bring success to us both.
The next post will be when I begin running again, hopefully at the end of the week.
I had decided before this race that if I wasn't in 1.20-1.21 form than Canberra would be cancelled and that has how it has worked out. The plan now is to rest, get some blood tests, and get over this bug once and for all, after carrying it for over 2 weeks.
The target mararthon is now the Gold Coast marathon which gives me more time to get strong and run well. I caught up with Jackie and this part of the weekend has a great success as we got to spend most of the weekend together and have developed a relationship that will bring success to us both.
The next post will be when I begin running again, hopefully at the end of the week.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
10k with 10x(30sec on/30sec 0ff)
After sleeping 13 hours the night beofre I felt a little beter today. Ran from Kings Park along the river and back into Kings Park. Ran the 30sec on quite well and felt quite smooth and really tried on improving my running form, Total 10.3km@ 4.38min/k ; Ave HR 145bpm
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Easy 12km
Ran with Sas and Sugar on the now tradiotnal Wednesday Peninsula run. Felt rather crappy this morning but imporved as the run went on. Easy relaxed run. Went to the doctors today to get to the bottom of my weakness , headaches and sore throat. supposivley its 'just a bug and there's nothing you can do'. It would seem medical science is concentrating too hard on face transplants and liposuction and not on the important things in life. Total 12km @ 4.58min/k; Ave Hr 138bpm
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
6x1km; 1min SR
Headed out on a beautiful and cool morning to Perry Lakes for some 1k reps. As with most Tuesdays the Fever girls were doing there thing and looking fine. The session was to be run at 10k pace (~3.40min/k) pace and strong and conctrolled. Ran all of the reps in 3.32-3.34 pace with minimal effort and only a bit of puffing in the last two reps. Very happy with run and good confidence booster leading into the half this sunday. Total 14kms
Monday, March 2, 2009
Easy Recovery Run
Headed out through Kings Park along the sandy trails trying to stay in the shade on a warm afternoon (33oC). Legs were heavy but not to bad at at time legs had some strength left in them. Happy with run, and feeling aroundf 85%. Total 8.7kms @ 5.15min/k
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Long Run
AM: Ran with ths Sugar, Sassy and Biscuitman form Kings Park via the river to City Beach. Still feeling crappy and this run really sucked with the enjoyment factor very low. Ran ok but very patchy with good solid running in with some ploddy running. A dip in the ocean, good breakfast and some good running chat perked up my spirits at the end of the run. Got a few hours sleep afterwards and am feeling quite a it better. Total 29.1kms @ 4.36; Ave HR 148
PM: Late night (930pm) run along the south perth foreshore. Nothing special and nothing fun about run. Rather tired... yawn Total 6km @ 5.10min/k
PM: Late night (930pm) run along the south perth foreshore. Nothing special and nothing fun about run. Rather tired... yawn Total 6km @ 5.10min/k
Friday, February 27, 2009
12k Easy
Caught up with Sugar for an easy run from East Perth through Maylands and return. Given yesterdays performance and a feeling a little dodgey still I ran ok, with tthe legs in better shape than the rest of my body. 12.0km @ 4.45min/k; Ave HR 141
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Failed 10k time trial
I was supposed to do a 10k timetrial this morning but my guts and bowels were not my freind and after 4 stops iin the warm-up I felt week, nauseous and was staggering. Went home and slept and flet weka with a dull headache all day.. not happy. Total 7.6kms @ 5.33min/k; Ave Hr 137bpm
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Easy run
Was tired all day so decided to head down to the WAMC clubrooms and run with some crew. Ran quite slow and felt a little off colour. Total 10.5km @5.13min/k; Ave HR 148
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Intervals (12x400) and (6x200m)
Late night interval session. After getting off the plane I headed down to the South Perth Foreshore on a lovely evening for running. The session was to run 3 sets of 4x400 at 1.25, 1.20. 1.15, 1.10 pace, all on 3min (walk/jog recovery). Then 6x200m @ 36sec on 1.15. The session was all about getting my legs moving again after an easier week. Ran quite well and achieved all the goals even busting out a 1.08 for 400m into a head wind. Total 12.7kms
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Easy 45min
Heade dout on the Nanuturra rd for an esy 45min. Legs felt on a little heavy and I had some patches of some fluid running in there as well. Hot conditions (37.5oC) although I did the run just after sunset. I think the heat may be taking allot more pace out of me then I am giving it credit for. 9.3km @ 4.57min/k; Ave HR 143bpm
Saturday, February 21, 2009
AM: 30min Easy PM: 1hr with 5x2min at TEMPO pace
AM: Early 4.45am run around the streets of Paraburdoo. Legs felt like bricks today which is nrmal as my legs adapt to the training and having a day off yesterday. 6k @ 5.10min/k; Ave HR 131bpm
PM: Tough conditions (30oC and 60% RH) for an hours run with a few pulses of Tempo runnign to get the legs turning over. Legs still quite heavy but ran ok. Almost sweated by blood out of my pores it was so hot by the end of the run. 13.1kms @ 4.41; Ave HR 147. Only a few more easy runs in Paraburdoo, yay!
PM: Tough conditions (30oC and 60% RH) for an hours run with a few pulses of Tempo runnign to get the legs turning over. Legs still quite heavy but ran ok. Almost sweated by blood out of my pores it was so hot by the end of the run. 13.1kms @ 4.41; Ave HR 147. Only a few more easy runs in Paraburdoo, yay!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Easy AM run and 10k Build Run PM
AM: Strangley enough it was rather dark at 4.30am this morning when I headed out for 30min. Legs felt ok but pace slowish due to the the poor light (moonlight). 6k @5.19min/k; Ave HR 141bpm
10k build
Headed out of the Nanuturra road after a big thunderstorm for 10k build session. Leggs felt very 'ploddy' and it took to 6ks for me to get my act together and finish strong. Plan to have a day off tomorrow, the first in 4 weeks, tomorrow. 10k @ 4.20min/k Ave HR 148bpm
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
12k Easy
A predictably insanely humid day but cool on Paraburdoo standards (~25oC). Decided to run up along the dirt track towards Radio Hill. Track a little soggy and the Tance 8's now are tainted 'Pilbara Red'. Legs not too bad but after a long day at work was pleased to finish. 12k @ 4.46min/k; Ave HR 141bpm
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Fartlek Session
The flooding around Paraburdoo meant I had to change courses to a slighly hilly section of ttrack near the town. Alghough is was only 25oC the humidity waas insane. This is my forst Fartlek session ever and was an equal time recovery session of 2 x(90, 60, 60, 30, 30 , 15, 15 sec). Tough session but only half as long as my normal Tuesday interval session. 10.6kms
Monday, February 16, 2009
Easy Run with 6xStrides
First morning in Parabudise, a balmy 5.00am run by the moonlight. Legs felt heavier than yesterday but a good nights sleep tonight should leave me well rested for tomorrow's Fartlek session. 8.7km@5.10min/k
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Easy Run
Cught up with Original Simon for 45minutes as part of his long run. Ran a loop throught the back streets of Subiaco, Shenton Park and West Perth. Felt quite good with plenty of chitter-chatter keeping the focus away from my heavy legs. End of Week 8 and a good block of 3 weeks of training with 100, 117, and 115kms logged. At half way through program and feeling the benefits of the training at last. Next week is an easier consolidation week with some quality. I will be in Paraburdoo for the next week so heat will be an issue to deal with. Three weeks ot the Weston Vreek Half and 9 weeks to Canberra. 9.6km @ 4.51min/k; Ave HR 141bpm
Saturday, February 14, 2009
All Aboard, Choo CHoo!
The old Choo Choo run was on the cards today. Despite getting not much sleep last night I met up Sugar, Sassy and Herbs at 6.00am at Serpentine. We headed down to North Dandulap and headd out just on first light at around 6.30am. the first 6kms gave those novices to the Choo Choo a taste of the action with some quality climb. The SE wind was howling and teamed up Mr Gradient to challenge us, alas, we prevailed. At the 10k mark, Herby was struggling with the pace and the gravelly surface and an executive decision was made that it would be best that she turn back or else we would all the miss the train...then there were three. The pace was solid of the next hour and the wind assisted in keeping us cool. Plenty of Kangaroo and a friendly python kept the k's ticking by. At about 20ks the soft surface and fatigue started setting in but the "Three S' kept strong in the knowledge that the drink stop (pre-dropped water and powerade in the morning) was not too far away. After soem much needed drinks we soldiered on knowing that gravity was sdoon to our friend. Affter a wrong turn (my fault) we then decended to the coastal plain in hasty fashion and powered into town where refreshments at the local deli and a sweet train ride back to the start (and Herby) awaited. All in all a tough yet rewarding run. 38.6kms @4.56min/k; Ave HR 150
Friday, February 13, 2009
Easy run
A typical recovery run. With the long run in the back of mind tomorrow I decided to take it easy. Loop around Kings Park along trails. 8.3km @ 5.30min/k; Ave HR 135
Thursday, February 12, 2009
50 Minute Tempo
Hot and shitty condition for running. In my weakened state this run was going to be tough, and was. 12.7kms @ 3.59min/k; Ave HR 163bpm; Total 20.7km
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Easy Run
Quite a gang headed out from East Perth this morning: Sugar, Sass and Original Simon. Kim and her posey were also lurking about. On a day that is going to top around 40oC the cooler conditions this morning before sunrise were quite pleasant. Heart rate a little high likely due to the 'mystery virus' that I seem to be carrying. A bit better than yesterday though, so hopefully some more improvement before tomorrows tempo run. 12.0km @ 4.49min/k; Ave HR 146bpm
If you ever feel running is tough, watch this:
If you ever feel running is tough, watch this:
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Aerobic Threshold Session: 3x(600x1, 400x2, 200x4, on 3, 2, 1min)
Haven’t been my best since yesterday. Felt real week and tired and started getting a headache yesterday lunchtime so went home and slept most of the afternoon and last night. Awoke this morning still a little weak but decided to give the session a go. Despite a dull headache (which I still have) the session went quite well. Plan for another early night, and all being well, I should be better tomorrow. Total 14.68km
Monday, February 9, 2009
Easy Run with 6x Strides
A windy old morning for running and a few stomach problems didn't help thi smorning. Headed out through Kings Park, then along Mounts Bay road and then back via the 'Secret track' to Zamia Cafe then along some trails back to the gym carpark. Felt ok, although slowed significantly on the hills suggesting there is still some residue tiredness from Saturday's run. 10.0k @ 5.18min/k; Ave HR 132
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Long Run
AM: A perfect day (cooler and sunny day with low humidity) greeted the 'Three S's' as we headed out for he hilly and tough pipeline loop; Darlington to Mundaring and return loop. Headed out slowly, trying to keep my HR at a constant level, trying to iron out all the peaks and troughs. As normal, S and S burned me off up to Fred Jacoby, and then caught me up just before Mundaring, as they stopped at Fred Jacoby, whilst the old trusty Tortoise plugged away without a stop. The run went by very quickly and easily without any real stress on my body apart from the distance. I think keeping the effort (HR) constant is really helping. 33.21km @ 4.50min/k; Ave HR 141
PM: An easy 30min on the grass and trails of Pery Lakes. A little stiff ans ore in the first km but warmed up and then felt goood running the last few at 4.25min/k pace; 6.8km @ 4.40min/k; Ave HR 140. Total 40k's for day
PM: An easy 30min on the grass and trails of Pery Lakes. A little stiff ans ore in the first km but warmed up and then felt goood running the last few at 4.25min/k pace; 6.8km @ 4.40min/k; Ave HR 140. Total 40k's for day
Friday, February 6, 2009
Easy 10k
Ran from home down to Burswood on a cooler although windy morning. Seemed plenty of runners out this morning which is great to see. Again pulled up ok from yesterdays tempo run which is further sign that I am adapting to the training. 10.0km @ 5.07min/k; Ave Hr 131bpm.
Tomorrow should be interesting. I have a double run now on my long run day, the reasons highlighted below from 'J':
Saturday double run...
I see lots of benefits, not all of them physiological... essentially marathon training is about time on your feet, maximum aerobic efficiency and maintaining this at as high a % VO2max as possible. A term I like to use is “resistance to fatigue”. The better you handle your long runs, the better you will run a marathon. The better you can recover from hard and long sessions, the easier you will find a marathon on your body (and the faster you will go). Improving in the quality sessions are really important, but handling and backing up from the long runs is also imperative. Right now I don’t think you handle and back up form your long runs well enough.
Doing another run in the afternoon after your long run will:
1. Increase the effects of the long run (fat burning, increased capillarisation, and just time on your feet).
2. Right now your body is used to resting after a long run. You do a long run and your body says, “Oh I’m tired. Time to stop!” Well, if we send it the message “no, you are not done yet. Get out there again.” You will force your body to cope and adapt and be ready again for more. It is like the stimulus and recovery we talked about before. If we give your body this extra stimulus (that it doesn’t usually have, is not expecting and is not wanting!), it will be forced to adapt and then be ready next time to handle the long run better – just in case it has to go again.
3. I think for you this could be a real boost as right now, you are ‘letting’ your body take a lot of recovery after a long run. You will still get two easy days after, I’m just adding one more run in there. I can add a second run in on your quality days, or other easy days, but I think you will get the most benefit out of backing up on your long run day. Plus it is a Saturday, so you have Sunday to recover (and Saturday during the day).
4. Double run on the long run day is the only way we can overload the marathon distance during prep. The tempo runs and long runs are the most marathon-specific sessions. We won’t go longer than a half marathon at pace during the prep. Adding a second run on long runs days (from time to time) gives the over-distance end of the spectrum.
5. It will give you more volume on your long run day and the day will end up being marathon distance or more.
6. There will be a psychological benefit as you will know what you have managed to achieve – and that you can go again even when you think you are really tired.
There are no ‘scientific studies’ to prove this theory that I know of, but I have used it on myself and others and I believe it is a powerful and relatively simple way to get a big marathon-specific benefit. I think you will be surprised that you won’t actually feel too bad in the pm run. In my experience, most people feel better than expected and run quite strongly in the second run on long run day. You will still feel tired the next day, but the second run will actually help you recover – immediate effect (‘active recovery’) and longer term (adaptive effect).
Tomorrow should be interesting. I have a double run now on my long run day, the reasons highlighted below from 'J':
Saturday double run...
I see lots of benefits, not all of them physiological... essentially marathon training is about time on your feet, maximum aerobic efficiency and maintaining this at as high a % VO2max as possible. A term I like to use is “resistance to fatigue”. The better you handle your long runs, the better you will run a marathon. The better you can recover from hard and long sessions, the easier you will find a marathon on your body (and the faster you will go). Improving in the quality sessions are really important, but handling and backing up from the long runs is also imperative. Right now I don’t think you handle and back up form your long runs well enough.
Doing another run in the afternoon after your long run will:
1. Increase the effects of the long run (fat burning, increased capillarisation, and just time on your feet).
2. Right now your body is used to resting after a long run. You do a long run and your body says, “Oh I’m tired. Time to stop!” Well, if we send it the message “no, you are not done yet. Get out there again.” You will force your body to cope and adapt and be ready again for more. It is like the stimulus and recovery we talked about before. If we give your body this extra stimulus (that it doesn’t usually have, is not expecting and is not wanting!), it will be forced to adapt and then be ready next time to handle the long run better – just in case it has to go again.
3. I think for you this could be a real boost as right now, you are ‘letting’ your body take a lot of recovery after a long run. You will still get two easy days after, I’m just adding one more run in there. I can add a second run in on your quality days, or other easy days, but I think you will get the most benefit out of backing up on your long run day. Plus it is a Saturday, so you have Sunday to recover (and Saturday during the day).
4. Double run on the long run day is the only way we can overload the marathon distance during prep. The tempo runs and long runs are the most marathon-specific sessions. We won’t go longer than a half marathon at pace during the prep. Adding a second run on long runs days (from time to time) gives the over-distance end of the spectrum.
5. It will give you more volume on your long run day and the day will end up being marathon distance or more.
6. There will be a psychological benefit as you will know what you have managed to achieve – and that you can go again even when you think you are really tired.
There are no ‘scientific studies’ to prove this theory that I know of, but I have used it on myself and others and I believe it is a powerful and relatively simple way to get a big marathon-specific benefit. I think you will be surprised that you won’t actually feel too bad in the pm run. In my experience, most people feel better than expected and run quite strongly in the second run on long run day. You will still feel tired the next day, but the second run will actually help you recover – immediate effect (‘active recovery’) and longer term (adaptive effect).
Thursday, February 5, 2009
50min Tempo Run
Tempo run went quite well this morning. I think overall the average would be around 3.53min/k. The splits got faster and faster over the last 5k’s and I started feeling stronger and need be could of ran a few more k’s. Ave HR 165bpm
The first 5 or 6’s when I was running slower splits I was constantly checking my watch for the pace, then decided that I would run on feel, stopped looking at the watch, and the speed increased…wicked. A good lesson has been learnt here. Was quite tired at the end but not smashed. Considering it was my first 50min tempo I am happy with the run and think it will be a good building block in an area (tempo run) in the past I have had a few problems with.
Total 20.97km
The first 5 or 6’s when I was running slower splits I was constantly checking my watch for the pace, then decided that I would run on feel, stopped looking at the watch, and the speed increased…wicked. A good lesson has been learnt here. Was quite tired at the end but not smashed. Considering it was my first 50min tempo I am happy with the run and think it will be a good building block in an area (tempo run) in the past I have had a few problems with.
Total 20.97km
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Easy Run
Caught with Sugar for an easy run form East Perth to the Maylands Peninsual and return. Slightly cooler and less humid conditions today, along with plenty of running-related jibber-jabber meant the run went quickly. Ran faster than I have the last 4 Wednesdays with no more effort which is a good sign for tomoorw's tempo run of 50minutes, the longest to date. Perhaps the added vigour is due to my streching and pool sessions at the gym everninght for the last week. Time will tell. 12.0k @ 4.47min/k; Ave HR 137bpm
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Easy 30min with 6x strides
Ran from the WAMC clubrooms out under the Windan bridge and out towards Burswood and Return. Lovely afternnoon and the last few k's flet ok and ran quite well. Total 6.3kms
Aerobic Threshold Run: 20x400's
Another insanely humid day here greeted me this morning down at the track. I walked all the recovery sessions due to the heat and humidity. Anyhow the session was hard but not as hard as the last time I completed it last month, although definitely no walk in the Park I ran the first 10 or so in 79-79’s and finished quickly too. I think the quicker first 10 laps were due the lovely ladies of the Perth Fever netball team occupying the last 80m on my laps, and boys being boys! I have noticed not only with this session but others and also in races that I struggle at around the 25-30min mark. I am not sure if this is physiological or psychological but I favour the second. I say this because, as this session showed, I still have the power to put in some fast 400’s at the end. It’s like my mind is telling my body to ‘save’ itself for a big effort, but only when it knows it can finish the session; In this example 3 laps to go.
All in all, another solid session completed and I look forward to the 50min tempo on Thursday to see how my body is responding to the training
All in all, another solid session completed and I look forward to the 50min tempo on Thursday to see how my body is responding to the training
Monday, February 2, 2009
Easy run
An oppressive morning for running with warm conditions and insane humidity. Ran the old kings Park loop with a few strides. Can't say I felt to fresh but the slightly longer run on saturday may be the cause of that. Soem good stretching and a pool session tonight will help recovery for tomorrows morning interval session. 10.6km @ 5.06min/k; Ave HR 134bpm
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Recovery Run
Rather tired this morning. Ran 6.80km @ 5.44min/k around Kings Park on a super-steamy morning in kings Park. Swim and a tasty breakfast afterwards lifted the spirits. End of week 6. The latter part of the week I starting a little fresher indicating the rest from last week is starting to pay off and my body has adapted to the training and is now ready to move into over-achieve mode.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Long Run
Caught up with S and S for a loop from Darlington to Mt Helena, then return via Brooking Rd to Darlington. Once again rather warm and humid conditions (75%) prevailed. Tried to run on Hr of around 140-145bpm so was a little slow as I run up to Mundaring with S and S leading the charge up the hill. Legs became heavy after 20km and some chaffing on the thighs increased the joy of the run. Happy to finish the first longish run of the year. 33.2kms @ 4.46; Ave HR 145bpm
Friday, January 30, 2009
10k run; increasing pace.
Ran from Como around the slums of Manning and return. Ran faster with each km, starting at 5.30min/k and end at 3.44min/k. Was good to have a focus for this run rather than the usual easy run and made the session go by quickly. 10k @ 4.29min/k; Ave HR 143
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Aerobic threshold: 5 x (6x200m on 1minute), 30sec Sr between sets
Had a very good run this morning in cool but humid conditions. Ran all the 200's in 38 sec or less and although tired at the end coul dhave done a few more. All in all a good session and it would seem my body had now rested and adapted to the trainign over the last month and is ready to lap up some more punishment. Total 12.7kms
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Recovery Runs: 40min with 6xStrides
AM: The first of two easy runs today. anotgher humid old day. Legs feel ok. Ran 4k out and back from Kings Park down along the freeway, with some strides to get the legs moving again. 8.01k @ 5.09 pace; Ave Hr 134bpm.
PM: 30 minutes easy around kings Park followed by a nice swim in the pool, this is the life! 6.00km @ 5.00min/k; Ave HR 137bpm
PM: 30 minutes easy around kings Park followed by a nice swim in the pool, this is the life! 6.00km @ 5.00min/k; Ave HR 137bpm
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Recovery Run
After conversing with Jackie yesterday I have banished the demons ofthe Bunbury 10km and put it down to by body not handing the heat very well at all. Given my heart-rates the mental effort I put in, the benefits will come in the weeks to come (they better!).
Time to concentrate on the next two weeks of training. Ran along the old 'S and S' kings Park loop this morning and although a little tired felt not too sore.
Time to concentrate on the next two weeks of training. Ran along the old 'S and S' kings Park loop this morning and although a little tired felt not too sore.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Bunbury 10k
Overall: very dissapointed, frustrated
Conditions: Hot, humid morning woth two laps around the Bunbury estuary ona course with a few sharp corners, a few undualtions, and a section of boardwalk where there was a few sharp bends.
The race: I warmed up for 15 minutes and felt find although my legs were a little heavy. I felt like a do normally after 2 days after a long run. Anyhow I decided in my mind that around 3.42-3.45min/k ahould be achievable and ran the first 5k at around that pace and at times had to slow myself. Then at about 5.5kms things got a messy and I slowed considerably than from there on in, it was horrible. I really had to battle which is the only thing I can be proud of in the race. I finished in 37.51 absolutley spent and my warm-down has a shuffle/walk.
Obviously I went out to fast and faded. The fact is my 10k times have not gone anywhere in 2 years and it fruatrates the hell out of me considering how much hard training I put in. All Total 13.68kms; 10k @3.48min/k; Ave HR 176, Max HR 187. Last 4kms Ave Hr 185..yikes
Conditions: Hot, humid morning woth two laps around the Bunbury estuary ona course with a few sharp corners, a few undualtions, and a section of boardwalk where there was a few sharp bends.
The race: I warmed up for 15 minutes and felt find although my legs were a little heavy. I felt like a do normally after 2 days after a long run. Anyhow I decided in my mind that around 3.42-3.45min/k ahould be achievable and ran the first 5k at around that pace and at times had to slow myself. Then at about 5.5kms things got a messy and I slowed considerably than from there on in, it was horrible. I really had to battle which is the only thing I can be proud of in the race. I finished in 37.51 absolutley spent and my warm-down has a shuffle/walk.
Obviously I went out to fast and faded. The fact is my 10k times have not gone anywhere in 2 years and it fruatrates the hell out of me considering how much hard training I put in. All Total 13.68kms; 10k @3.48min/k; Ave HR 176, Max HR 187. Last 4kms Ave Hr 185..yikes
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Easy run, 30min
Only 30 minutes today around Kings Park to freshen up for tomorrows 10k in Bunbury. Legs felt not too bad but pace was up and down, good signs though. Yesterday I joied the gym so headed there afterwards and did some good stretching followed by a dip in the pool. 6.04km @ 4.57min/k; Ave HR 142
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Long Run 1.30hrs
A shortend long run this week with the 10k in Bunbury on Monday. I little tired after seeing the late movie session last night. Ran form UWA to the Raffles and return. 19.0km @ 4.47; Ave Hr 140bpm
Friday, January 23, 2009
After a good block of training, its time to recover. Plenty of sleep and good food is of the order
Thursday, January 22, 2009
VO2 max; 4, 3, 2, 1min; 90 sec JR
Pulled up a little sore this morning, mainly my gluts, from Tuesday’s effort. Took the first 4 minutes to really get into the session, but after that the leg speed seemed to pick up and I was moving alright, albeit for only 6 more minutes. I think I may have mentally struggled to give this session 100% straight up due to the session being shorter than normal. Or perhaps my mind is already thinking of the 10k race next Monday and is ‘preservation mode? Either way its something I feel I need to address.
The harder and longer sessions I seem to be able to focus more due to the challenge of the exercise, but today I seemed a little unfocussed. It didn’t help that Simon and I did our warm-up together and he looked like he had not slept for the last 3 days. Maybe his lethargy was contagious?
The harder and longer sessions I seem to be able to focus more due to the challenge of the exercise, but today I seemed a little unfocussed. It didn’t help that Simon and I did our warm-up together and he looked like he had not slept for the last 3 days. Maybe his lethargy was contagious?
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Easy Run
Headed out for aloop around Kings Park, Mounts Bay Road and Matilda Bay, UWAand return. a little still and sore after lasts nights session bu last few k's were a little quicker. 12.21kms @ 5.10; Ave Hr 133bpm
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
3x (600x1, 400x2, 200x4) on 3, 2, 1min JR
It was a return to Perry Lakes and a run-in with a session that screwed me over a few weeks back. Happy to say that the table have turned and now the session is mine. Ran around 40sec/200m for each interval and even managed to finished the last few 200's in 36seccs and all with JR between intervals, albeit slow ones. Happy with session, total 15.9kms. Ice bath afterwards
Monday, January 19, 2009
Easy Run
Ran from Kings Park down along Mounts Bay Road and back with 6 x 20 sec strides. Nice and cooler morning was a pleasant change. 9.7km @ 4.51min/k; Ave HR 137
Easy Run with strides
An easy Run around Kings Park with some strides thrown in the middle. Legs felt not too bad at all which bodes well for tomorrows interval session, 9.26kms @ 4.49min/k Ave Hr; 137
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Recovery Run
Headed out from Cinti's and ran along the Perth foreshore to the WAMC clubrooms and back on the grass. Felt not too bad which just as well as the next week is going to a cracker. 7.88km @ 5.07; Ave HR 130bpm. This the completion of week 4 with J and 13 weeks to Canberra, suggesting that the real work begins from here-on-in. An extra edge to trainign will be the knowledge of the first race (Australia Day 10km) of the season is next Monday.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Long Run 2.15
Another calm and balmy morning greeted me this morning in the hills. I decided to run the Brooking Hill loop I completed with S, S and S, but in the opposite direction. Managed to catch up with Terry how is also off to Boston this year. Had a very relaxed run that I enjoyed, even with only my own thoughts for company. Never really pushed at all and finished with 28k @ 4.55min/k ; ave HR 137bpm. The next few weeks the long runs go to 2.30hrs and together with some intense interval sessions should make for some interesting running (and reading hopefully).
Friday, January 16, 2009
Easy run
On a rather balmy old morning (going to be 40oC today) I ran from Cinti's house to home around the river mostly on the grass. Had to stop for a few drinks on the way. 10.69kms @ 5.21min/k. Looks like it may be a little cooler tomorrow so may run in the hills...still undecided.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Hill Repeats 12x1.15min; Jog Down recovery
Had a decent session this morning really concentrating on ‘toeing off’ and ‘running quiet’. I try to use my gluts more and drive from my legs. I am finding though (at time) without a concentrated mental effort I do loose my form and my torso starts rotating and my legs loose cadence. I am coming to the realisation that more ‘core strength’ may not be up to scratch. Ran most of the repeats at 4.15min/k pace. Total 13.19km's
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Recovery Run
Headed out on a good morning for running although a little stiff after lasts nights session. Ran 10.66km @ 5.18min/k; Ave HR 138bpm, a little high but the Hr monitor was playing up a little. A lot better than last weeks Wednesday run though. Rumour is that Sassy and Sugar are leaving me for a week, so it looks like a solo long run this Saturday.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
VO2 max session: 1, 2 ,3, 3, 2, 1 session, 90sec JR
Another sesion out of the way. Ran quite solidly and evenly over the session. Finished strong. Ran the intervals from 3,00 to 3.10 pace, with Ave Hr around 176bpm and max at 181bpm. Total 13.76kms. After a few minutes resting after the session I felt fine but about 10minutes into the recovery run things went downhill and i became very lightheaded, cold and faint. Collapsed into bed.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Easy Run
Caught up with 'Original Simon' this morning on a cooler yet humid morning for an easy trundle along the South Perth foreshore. As always we solved most of the worlds problems on our run. 9.47km @ 4.58min/k; Ave Hr 129bpm. Interstingly enough all the sleep I had over the weekend must have paid off as my resting HR hit an all time low of 43 this morning. Either I am getting fitter or am on the brink of a coma.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Recovery Run
Headed from home down to Floreat and had a nice swim. The run was relaxed and I was just happy to amble down to the beach and enjoy the quietnees of the morning. Met up with Cinti after her ipressive 40min run and we heaed back to Subi for brekkie and coffee at Cafe Cafe. 10K @5.32min/k; Ave Hr 125bpm. End of third week of training with just over 104km run. Next week is an easier week before I start my marathon training with 14 weeks to go.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Long Run 2.15hrs
Another long run out of the way. Once again in the hillls and on the trails with Sugar, Sassy and Simon. Ran the Brooking Rd loop. Decided not to use any Gu's and just water for the run and ran quite well finishing tired but not smashed. Not so spritley on the hills but steady. Over all this has been a tough yet rewarding week that I believe will be in good order for the weeks ahead. 28.7min/k @ 4.41; Ave Hr 145
Friday, January 9, 2009
Easy Run
Caught up with Sugar at Zamias Cafe for a loop around Matilda Bay and back. A pleasant morning and the session went by quickly with plenty of running-related chat. Feel alllot better than the last few days and look forward to the Long run tomorrow. 10k @4.58min/k; ave HR 133
Thursday, January 8, 2009
40min Tempo
Completed the tempo session this morning. I eased into the session and found it hard over the first 20 minutes to really hit my stride and my heart rate was lower than normal, at was running @ 4.00min/k pace. The next 20 minutes my heart rate slowly increased as did my pace without any more effort and I was running a more ‘typical’ tempo pace around 3.53/3,54min/k. All up I clocked 10.1k @ 3.57. With my heart rate spending most of the time between 165-172bpm. On a good note the session went by very quickly and I am very pleased in finishing strongly without pushing too hard. Total 19.1kms
I am definitely feeling a little fatigued at the moment, but think the next 2-4 days should freshen me up nicely.
I am definitely feeling a little fatigued at the moment, but think the next 2-4 days should freshen me up nicely.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Recovery Run
Last nights hard session was followed by the slowest recovery run. Completed 10.6km @ 6.o4min/k along the trails of Kings Park. Although not sore I felt flat and felt like a Carboshot enema was the only thing that would help. Tomorrows tempo run may be interesting
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
VO2 Max session.
An evening run with Cota and the gang down at Perry Lakes. I had 3 sets of
1x600, on 3 minutes
2x400, on 2minutes
4x100, on 1minute, 2 min recovery between sets.
This has been the toughest session I have run so far with J as my coach. Most of the time I was running 36-40 seconds per 400m with heart rates typically mid 175 and above to a max of 183.
I was never happier to finish the sesssion completely rooted. Total 15.85km.
1x600, on 3 minutes
2x400, on 2minutes
4x100, on 1minute, 2 min recovery between sets.
This has been the toughest session I have run so far with J as my coach. Most of the time I was running 36-40 seconds per 400m with heart rates typically mid 175 and above to a max of 183.
I was never happier to finish the sesssion completely rooted. Total 15.85km.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Easy run
Met up with Sassy and Sugar at Kings Park for the traditional 10k (with a few strides in the middle) run around Kings Park. Felt a little tired but completed 10k @ 4.52min/k, Ave HR 138
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Easy Recovery Run
Headed to Cottlesloe from the Swan Brewery along Mounts Bay Rd and Stirling highway. A little sore and weary this morning but the splash in the water followed by the obligatory scambled eggs and flat white restored some vigour to my old bones. 10K @ 5.29min/k; Ave HR 121. The end of the second week of training, 15 to go.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Long run 2.15hrs
Headed out with Sugar and Sassy from Darlington through John Forrest National Park and return on a course that was mainly trails with quite a few hills. Sugar was like a mountain goat on the trails, with Sassy and I having to eat his dust. Needless to say, I think his semi-comatose state at the Darlington coffee shop reflected his vigour. All in all, a good solid run of 26km @ 5.25min/k. Ave Hr 141bpm
Friday, January 2, 2009
Recovery Run
Ran from home to Floreat along the CTS route then a splash around in the water.Met up with Jacinta for breakfast and coffee. Feel like I have spent a few nights in prison, with Gluts super sore from hill repeats indicating that I am in fact using them. Long run tomorrow may be fun. 10k @ 5.20min/k; Ave HR: 132
Thursday, January 1, 2009
12 x 1.30 Hills Repeats
To start the new year Jacinta and I headed to Kings Park at 6am to complete some hill repeats. After a chat with J the day before I concentrated on my running form and completed some drills before the session. Maintained my form quite well but hard work when the runnign got tough in the final 30sec of each interval. Ran most of the hills around 4.15 pace, with 8.89km for session and 14.85 all up.
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